Organisation Internationale pour les Pays les Moins Avancés (OIPMA)

International Organisation for the Least Developed Countries (IOLDCs)


Human Rights in Afghanistan

Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs – Item 2: 6th of March, 2023. Strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights in Afghanistan – 52th Regular Session of Human Rights Council. Speaker: Hafizullah Nadiri

Vienna Convention's breach in South and North Yemen​

Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs – Item 2: 8th of Mars. Conflict Prevention, Post-Conflict Peace building and Promotion of Durable Peace, Rule of Law and Governance and Sustainable Development For The Republic Of YemenSpeaker: Nadah Alqam.

Human Rights in LDCs

Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs – Item 8: 29th of Mars. Substantial challenges with regard to the implementation of the right to development in the Least Developed Countries stalled by conflicts and terrorismSpeaker: Elsa Avalos Lepe.

Declaracion y Programa de Accion de Viena

Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs – Item 8: 29th of Mars, 2023. Propuesta 30º Aniversario de la Declaración y Programa de Acción de Viena – Programa de Acción 53ª Sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (Proposal 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action – Programme of Action 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council). Speaker: Elena Vallejo Secadas.

Conflict prevention in Yemen

Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs – Item 10: 3nd of April. Conflict Prevention, Post-Conflict Peace building and Promotion of Durable Peace, Rule of Law and Governance and Sustainable Development For The Republic Of Yemen. Speaker: Nadah Alqam.