Amplifying Voices for Global Change: A Reflection on WEF 2024 In the wake of the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where the central theme was…

Amplifying Voices for Global Change: A Reflection on WEF 2024 In the wake of the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where the central theme was…
52th HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - OIPMA ORAL STATEMENTS Human Rights in Afghanistan Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs - Item 2: 6th of March, 2023. Strengthening the promotion and protection of…
OIPMA IN THE 51TH SESSION OF THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 12 September 2022 - 1 October 2022 Item5 General Debate 29th Meeting 51st Regular Session of Human Rights Council…
OIPMA PARTICIPATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH-LEVEL POLITICAL FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OIPMA took the floor at the United Nations High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York through a statement…
ORAL STATEMENT ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 50th Internal Displaced Persons Statement by OIPMA / IOLDCs - June 28, 2022: Item 3. Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on…
OIPMA WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH-LEVEL POLITICAL FORUM 2022 UNDER THE HOSPICE OF THE UN ECOSOC “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full…
LDC Graduation The Office of the High Representative provides policy advice and coordinates UN System support to graduating LDCs. It also provides secretariat support to the consultations on General Assembly…
THEMATIC REPORT Civilians without Protection and Crimes without Punishment: Human Rights Report Documenting Violations against Human Rights in the South and West Coast Regions March 2016 to December 2019 External…